Russ the Cash Cow
Russ the Cash Cow

Cash Cow For The Kingdom

"Cash Cow For The Kingdom?" What a crazy expression! Yet, that is what I am. I am a money-making machine for the Kingdom of God. My name is Russ Thomas, and I am an Entrepreneur for the Glory of God.

"You're not supposed to be interested in money," you say. OK, if that is so then why is so much of your time taken up in the pursuit of it, why do you give it (usually the lack of it) so much thought, and why are money problems (certainly not having too much of it) a major cause for divorce?

God says a lot about money and wealth in His Word. In the Old Testament, having wealth -- even great wealth -- was a sign of God's blessing on His people. Jesus Himself spoke much about it. He never said it is wrong to have lots of money. Interestingly, after He started His earthly ministry there is no indication that He had a job to work for money, and yet it appears that so much money flowed into His hands that He needed a treasurer to manage it!

We have rightfully taken many principles and lessons from the Old Testament and applied them to our New Testament lives. And yet we somehow think it is right and "holy" to live a life before God and man scrounging for His provision. And the religious leaders of some denominations even have to take a vow of poverty in order to be ordained! I believe that all this is a direct slap in God's face! He has said it is His good pleasure to give us the Kingdom, and Jesus said that He came to give us life in abundance. What kind of kingdom, and what kind of abundance is it to live in financial lack?

Now this is not to say that you can simply "name it and claim it." As parents we won't give a loaded gun to a child, and neither will He entrust His kids with things we can't handle. Therefore, we indeed need to be sure we are in a position to handle all that He has.

However, I maintain that it begins with us believing -- isn't that true with everything from Him -- that a life of financial abundance and service to the Kingdom is undeniably His will for us and therefore totally possible.

If you aren't there yet, let me help. If you are there already, let's get to work!

Cash Cow For The Kingdom